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Theme Gallery Guide

Identifying the theme gallery

Theme Applied

It is the main theme of our store, the public theme that our customers can see when they access your store domain. Any changes you make to this theme will be seen publicly.

Themes Installed

They are the child themes of your theme gallery, these themes are only visible to you unless you share the specific url of this theme.

The maximum number of themes installed as secondary themes is 4, if you want to install a new theme, you have to delete a previous one to free up space.

Actions on Themes Installed

Each installed theme, whether it is the Theme Applied or Themes Installed, has a list of actions on them.

Actions on Themes Installed
  • Preview: Allows you to visualize how your theme looks or how your visitors see it or will see it. For the themes that are not the applied theme, these have a value in their URL that identifies them as such (?preview=).
  • Edit code: Provides a link to the theme’s source code editor. We recommend accessing this editor only if you have advanced knowledge.
  • Edit Navigation: Allows you to edit the navigation menus available for the chosen theme.
  • Rename: Opens a floating window where it is possible to rename the chosen theme.
  • Export: This option allows you to export the source code of the theme in a .zip format file. The export includes the configuration of your theme that you made through the visual editor, but not images.
  • Theme documentation: Provides a direct link to the theme’s documentation.
  • Edit: This option opens our advanced Visual Editor, so you can easily configure and preview the changes you make to your theme.
  • Update: A button to update the theme will be displayed if there is a new version of the installed theme. This update will not overwrite your current theme, a different theme will be installed in your Themes Installed.
  • Apply: The apply button is available only in Themes Installed and allows you to set one of these themes as main. This means that the previously Theme Applied will move to the list of Themes Installed.

Theme Library

This is the complete list of themes available at your disposal, we have 3 types of themes:

Theme Library

Next generation themes

These are the ones whose version is equal to or greater than 4, which means that they contain the latest features that we have included over time, updates, improvements, troubleshooting, among others. These are the most recommended by us, since they are the ones we keep up to date constantly and allow better compatibility when updating them to the newer versions.

Discontinued themes

Themes that have a version lower than 4 are discontinued themes, whose content will not be updated and is not compatible with the latest theme features. Our effort is to create new themes and keep up to date more modern and complete themes for our merchants.

Paid themes are created and maintained by independent designers who work with Jumpseller. These designers handle updates and ensure ongoing improvements to their themes. You can install and test any paid theme for free, and payment is only required when you decide to apply it as your store’s active public theme.

Installing a theme

Theme Gallery

When you click on any of the themes in the gallery, a pop-up window will open, which will contain all its characteristics, such as:

  • Screenshot gallery: A series of screenshots with a graphic demonstration of what the theme looks like.
  • Theme name: Unique identifier of the theme.
  • Variations: Some themes have different types of predefined design variations, this means that colors, components and some settings vary from one version to another. With these options we help you quickly obtain a different version of each theme. You can identify them through buttons with different colors next to the title.
  • Action buttons: View demo store and install the theme.
  • Information sidebar: Shows the status of the theme, whether it is free, paid or discontinued; the latest available version, author, last update date, theme page and link to the documentation pages.
  • Installation options: Allows you to choose the type of installation, whether it is a new installation or whether changes will be transferred from another theme. We will detail this point in the following item.
  • Changelog: This section describes the changes and updates that the theme has had since its creation.

Installation options

It is important to mention that each theme installation, regardless of the method you choose, will be available in the Themes Installed, they will not replace the Theme Applied, therefore you can test without affecting your published store.

New installation

The fresh installation will create a clean and new version of the theme in your Themes Installed section, without any customizations you may have in your Theme Applied or other Themes you have installed.

Transfer customizations

By choosing this option, the system will offer you a list of themes from which you will obtain the transfer, it may be the Theme Applied or one of the Themes Installed.

You should consider that transfers between themes are only of configurations made through your visual editor, both in components and in the general configuration of the theme. Any type of customization made through the Code Editor will not be transferred.

Some of the scenarios that can occur:

Transfer from a latest generation theme (version 4 or higher)

This is the ideal scenario, because compatibility is high, as both themes have up-to-date changes. By transferring your changes from an installed theme to an updated theme, you can ensure that you will not lose your customizations (made through the Visual Editor).

Transfer from a version lower than 4

Compatibility between old and new themes will depend on each theme, we recommend that you perform the installation with transfer and review the changes that were transferred. For those that were not considered, you should do them manually to have your theme up-to-date so it has the latest version, ideally using a theme over 4.

Transfer from a paid theme

Transferring customizations from a paid theme to a free theme is not allowed, due to the security of paid themes.

Import a theme

Import a theme

If you have a theme in one store and you want to install it in another store, you must use the “Export” option within the Themes Installed or Theme Applied actions, and then import the .zip file by clicking on the button located in the upper right corner of the screen.


Is it advisable to update my theme to version 4 or higher?

Completely, we 100% recommend installing the themes to a new generation version, this way you ensure that you constantly have the latest features that Jumpseller releases.

Can I customize my store code and transfer it to another theme?

Yes, it is possible to transfer code customizations but only if they are made through the “Custom Code” component, so the theme transfer will recognize your changes as a customization made through the visual editor.

I paid for my customizations; do I need to pay again to apply them to the new theme?

Not necessarily. If your previous customization was done through Jumpdesign, and the updated theme has a similar structure, the adaptation may require fewer paid hours or none at all.

  • Many requested features are now included in new themes for free. So probably you don’t need to pay again for migrate customizations.
  • If code migration is required, you can copy and apply it manually, or our support team can guide you.
  • If adjustments are needed, you can request a Jumpdesign quote based on the effort required.

What happens if the theme I want does not have a version equal to or greater than 4?

You can install some similar theme and customize it in such a way that it looks visually like the theme you liked. Using the Visual Editor it is now very easy to change the appearance of your themes, to make them look as you want.

What happens if I delete a theme?

If you delete a theme, you will lose all settings made through the Visual Editor, Code Editor, and Navigation menus. You should be completely sure before deleting a theme. We recommend that before doing so, you try to transfer the changes to a more updated theme or export it, so that in case you regret it, you can import it back again.

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