
By: Jumpseller

Modern is the theme that signifies simplicity and elegance. The use of color and typography gives more value to the store with a particular and subtle style.

It fits well on all screens and devices and is fully responsive! It works great for fashion stores and accessories in general.

Demo store

Reasons to choose Modern

Fixed Header

Fix the header/menu on the top of your page to show during scroll.

Mobile-Friendly Design

On mobile devices, works like a charm and looks dynamic!


Ideal for running a targeted email marketing campaign.

Additional Currencies

Allow your store visitors to switch currencies using the correct exchange rate.

Fast and Lightweight

The clean code together with a minimalist design makes it a very fast theme.

Related Products

Display related products on every single product page based on the current product's category.

Get That Professional Look

Colors and Fonts

In the theme options, you can configure the font type and colors that best suit your brand.

Set Up your Slider

It offers a beautiful responsive full width image slider which you can use to enhance your store’s look.

Set up Multiple Currencies

With the help of the Open Exchange Rates API, you can give your customers the option to see prices in different currencies.

Get That Professional Look

Inner Pages

Product Page
Product Page
Category Page
Category Page
Cart Page
Cart Page
Contact Page
Contact Page
Blog Page
Blog Page
Post Page
Post Page

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