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Using Google Analytics to configure a Sales Funnel with your Online Store

Creating a sales funnel in Google Analytics is an excellent strategy to study how your customers behave during the purchase process and determine if any of the stages is failing and you are losing sales.

In this article, we are going to teach you how to create a Destination Goal to analyze how your customers are behaving throughout the purchasing process. This will allow you to take action, improve each step and make sure you keep your customers buying from you.

In order to do this, your store needs to be connected to your Google Analytics Account. Please check this documentation on how to connect your store to your Google Analytics Account

Setting Up a Conversion Goal

This is the first step you have to take. A conversion goal is a specific action your customer performs that means a conversion to you and to Google Analytics. In an e-commerce store, a sale is the most important conversion of all.

There are three types of goals:

  • Destination goals are used for tracking visitors and see if they reach a particular set of pages on your store like the success page after a purchase or the order review page. Using fixed URLs can be perfect to set up these goals.
  • Engagement goals allow you to track specific activities like visits per page, time spent on each page, etc.
  • Event goals let you track actions your customers take like clicking on a specific button, watching a video, etc.

The buying process in Jumpseller has 4 stages, each one of them with its own URL (this is important to know in order to build your sales funnel in Google Analytics).

Stage Jumpseller URL
Cart /cart
Checkout /checkout
Order Review /checkout/revieworder
Succes /checkout/return

To create a Conversion Goal:

Go to your Google Analytic Account and click on the left menu: Admin -> Goals

conversion goal google analytics

Click on New Goal button.

new conversion goal google analytics

Then, on Goal Setup, you can choose between a Template Goal or a Custom Goal. Let’s choose a Template Goal: Revenue -> Checkout Complete. Then click on “Continue”

new goal setup google analytics

Write a goal description or leave the one that comes by default Place an order, choose Type Destination and click on Continue.

goal description google analytics

Now we are going to set up the goal details:

Destination will be the last page your customer has to visit to make sure you got a conversion (a sale). That would be the success page. In Jumpseller, it is the page with the URL: /checkout/return

Set Funnel on.

Configure each step of your funnel in the right order to get to the success page of your conversion: first Cart, next Checkout, then Review Order. You can name them the way you want but we recommend you use names related to them so you can make your report easier to understand. Make the first step Required.

Your goal details screen should look like this:

goal details google analytics

Save your Goal. You are all set! You have to wait at least 24 hours to get data flowing from your store.

How to get a Sales Funnel Report on Google Analytics

On your main menu (left side of your screen), go to Conversions then Goals and select Funnel Visualization.

sales funnel visualization google analytics

You will get a view showing the behaviour of each step you added to your conversion goal. It will look like this:

sales funnel google analytics

How to view conversion rates for your Goals

To view the conversion rate for set goals:

1) Go to Conversions 2) Select Overview 3) Select the goal you want to see data from.

conversion goal rates google analytics

If you have further questions or want to learn more about Destination Goals, visit Google Support

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