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How to Configure Organic Theme

Organic is a theme packed with new features. It’s a flexible theme that’s suitable for all stores, allowing you to quickly set up a store and start selling.


  • New components
  • Theme with subcomponents
  • Mobile responsive theme
  • Available in different languages

Install Organic from Our Theme Gallery

How to install Organic

Log in to your store and go to Themes > Gallery. Search for the Organic theme and install it.

How to install Organic theme

Configure the Organic theme with a Visual Editor

Configure Organic with Visual Editor

After installation, you can click on Customize to open our Visual Editor and configure your theme.


General Configuration

In this section you will find the general options for your store. These are the following:

Disable Shopping features
If enabled, all Shopping features will hide, like ‘Add to Cart’ buttons, the ‘Header Cart icon’, etc. Therefore, customers won’t be able to shop products from your store.

Disable Product Prices
If enabled, all product prices will be hidden so customers won’t be able to see them.

Breadcrumbs Background Image (Desktop and Mobile)
Allows you to upload an image for the background of the following pages: category, blog, post, search result and user account.

Products per Page (Category)
How many products will be displayed per page on category pages.

Products per Page (Search Results)
How many products will be displayed per page on the ‘Search results’ page.

Cross-Selling products (Cart)
How many products will be displayed on the ‘Cart’ page.

Posts per Page (Blog)
How many posts will be displayed per page on the ‘Blog’ page.

General - Configuration

Store information

Store info is shown in the footer under “Contact” and on the contact page of your store.

  • You can add three phone numbers.
  • You can add three addresses.
  • You can add three emails and decide if you want to show the contact email or not, by checking or unchecking that option.
Store information - Configuration

In this section you can control the topbar, header size, menu style and customize the colors.

Top bar
The information that will be shown in this section can be edited in Theme Options > General Settings > Header > Top bar text.

Fixed Header
Here you can control the topbar or the menu to be fixed when scrolling. You can also decide if neither of them are fixed.

Full width header
If enabled, the header will be displayed in 100% of the screen, otherwise it will be displayed in a box.

Vertical main menu
In the Organic Theme you can have two types of menus.

If enabled, it will display the submenus stacked on top of each other. Otherwise, it will display the submenus on the same line, side by side.

Main Menu Alignment
This option will change the main alignment of the menu, it can be left or center.

Organic offers full control over the colors of the header elements:

  • Top bar color: controls the background color of the top bar.
  • Top bar content color: controls the color of the text and icons in the top bar.
  • Header color: controls the background color of the central header.
  • Header content color: controls the color of the store name (in case there is no logo) and the cart icon.
  • Menu color: controls the background color of the menu and submenu.
  • Menu content color: controls the color of the menu options (text).
  • Buttons color: controls the background color of the input search and the product quantity badge.
  • Buttons content color: controls the color of the search icon and the product quantity badge.
Header - Configuration

Product Block

This section allows you to define how “Product blocks” will look and work. “Products blocks” are the first view of each product in pages like categories, homepage and search results. The options available for this section are the following:

Product Brand
If enabled, products will display their brand before the product name (if the Brand field has been filled).

Product per Column
If enabled, it shows 2 products per column on mobile devices, otherwise it will only show 1 product per column.

Product Buttons
If enabled, products will display a direct “Add to Cart” button that will allow customers to add, remove and change the quantity for products, without the need to go to the product page. For products with a status of “Not available” or “Out of Stock”, the button will allow customers to go to the product page. If products have product options (e.g. size, color), the button will also take customers to the product page.

Color Options
If enabled, it will show a preview of the product color variants (only for products with color variants).

If enabled, products will have an animation when the user places the cursor over the product.

“From” label
If enabled, the “from” label will be displayed on products that have variants.

Sales Tag
Allows you to select the background color for the discount tag of the products.

Container Border Color
Allows you to select the color of the product frame (borders and add to cart button section).

Product Block - Configuration

Product Page

This section allows you to configure general aspects of the Product page. The options available for this section are the following:

If enabled, the “stock” of products will be displayed.

If enabled, the SKU number of products will be displayed.

Out of Stock
If enabled, out of stock variants will be identified visually with the label “Out Of Stock”.

Description Full Width
If enabled, the description of the product will fill 100% of the container below the image section.

Related Products
If enabled, it allows you to show or hide the “Related Products” section for all products of the store.

Title Related Product
Allows you to change the title of this section. If this is blank, the title is not shown.

Frequently Bought Together
If enabled, a section in the product page will be displayed, which offers customers up to 4 packs of frequently bought products, based on machine learning. You can read more about it in this Jumpseller article.

Number of Frequently Bought Together packs to show
Allows you to choose how many “Packs” will be displayed. “Packs” are sets or groups of frequently bought products, including the product being visited.

Product Zoom
If enabled, it will be possible to zoom in on all images. For this, it is important that product image resolution considers a much larger dimension, such as 1000x1000px.

Product Options
If enabled, it allows you to change the display of the product options from a selector with all options to a button for each option.

Product Page - Configuration


This section allows you to modify the colors of the entire store.

Primary Color
Color used mostly in titles and certain elements of main relevance to the store.

Store Background Color
Background color for all pages except the homepage.

Background Page Titles Color
Background color for all page titles except the homepage.

Main Button Color
Background color for the main buttons, such as “buy”.

Main Button Text Color
Text color for the main buttons.

Secondary Button Color
Background color for the secondary buttons.

Secondary Button Text Color
Text color for the secondary buttons.

Links color
Text color for the links’ buttons.

Links color hover
Color of the link when it’s hovered (mouse over).

Colors - Configuration


This section allows you to change the font and font size in some sections.

Choose the fonts from Google Fonts ( that you want to use in the store for all texts and paragraphs.

Choose the fonts from Google Fonts ( that you want to use in the store for all titles.

Store Name
Choose the fonts from Google Fonts ( that you want to use for your store name. If you upload an image this will not apply.

General font size
It allows you to change the size of the text and certain elements of main relevance to the store, such as paragraphs.

Title font size
It allows you to change the size of the main title of each page.

Block Titles Size
It allows you to change the size of the main title of each component.

Font size in Store Name
Allows you to change the size of your store’s name. This only applies if you don’t have an image as a logo.

Menu font size
Allows you to change the size of the text in the main menu.

Fonts - Configuration

Social Networks

Social networks icons will show up on the product page in order to allow the product to be shared.

Social Networks - Configuration

Store Whatsapp

This section allows you to display a Whatsapp button on your store. The options available are the following:

Enable Whatsapp Button
Enables a Whatsapp button that follows (scrolls with the content) customers on the store. We recommend not enabling this feature if you’re going to use a plugin or integration that will also display a button.

Whatsapp Button position
Allows you to select the position of the Whatsapp Button. It will always be in one of the corners of the store, based on the following options:

  • Top Right: the button will be positioned at the top right corner of the browser.
  • Top Left: the button will be positioned at the top left corner of the browser.
  • Bottom Right: the button will be positioned at the bottom right corner of the browser.
  • Bottom Left: the button will be positioned at the bottom left corner of the browser.

Whatsapp Button > Background color
Background color of the Whatsapp button. It comes by default with the Whatsapp branding color.

Whatsapp Button > Background color
Background color of the Whatsapp button on hover status (mouse over).

Whatsapp Button > Icon color
Color of the icon (logo) of the Whatsapp button.

Store Whatsapp - Configuration

In this section you can customize and configure the Footer of your store. The following options are available:

Logo Footer
Here you can upload a Logo for your Footer. It should be ideally in .svg format (vector). If not, we recommend that you upload it in .png format (with transparency). If you don’t upload one, your Store Name will be displayed.

Short Store Description
Allows you to add a text next to the logo.

Show Description
Allows you to show or hide the short store description text.

Footer Background
Allows you to change the color of the first level of the footer.

Color Bottom Footer
Allows you to change the color of the second level of the footer.

Texts color
Color of all the items available in the Footer, like titles, texts, descriptions, links, etc.

Footer - Configuration

Payment methods to be displayed

In this section you can customize the payment methods’ logos that will be displayed in the bottom part of the Footer of your store.

Payment Methods available
Here is the list of all the available payment methods that can be displayed in the Footer of your store. Some of them are available depending on the Country you define in Settings > General > Preferences > Store Country:

  • Webpay (Chile)
  • Chek (Chile)
  • Khipu (Chile)
  • Servipag (Chile)
  • Mach (Chile)
  • Flow (Chile)
  • Caja Vecina (Chile)
  • Multicaja (Chile)
  • PSE
  • Baloto
  • ePayco
  • Efecty
  • Oxxo
  • Mercadopago
  • Multibanco
  • MBWay
  • PayU
  • iDEAL
  • Skrill
  • Stripe
  • Apple Pay
  • Bitcoin
  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Paypal
  • Diners Club
  • Bank Transfer
  • Manual Payment
Payments Methods - Configuration

Add to Cart Notification

This section allows you to enable and configure the notification when customers add a product to the cart. The options available for this section are the following:

Add to Cart Notifications
If enabled, a message will be displayed in the right side of the browser to notify customers that a product has been added to cart.

Notification Background Color
Color for the background of the notification.

Notification Text Color
Color of the text inside the notification.

Add to Cart Notification - Configuration

Other Options

New Customer Message
Allows you to write a message to customers who are about to create an account.

Embed code at the end of <head>
Allows you to place any custom code you need at the end of the <head> tag of your store. This is useful for any plugins and/or tools you wish to install.

Embed code at the end of <body>
Allows you to place any custom code you need at the end of the <body> tag of your store. This is useful for any plugins and/or tools you wish to install.

Other Options - Configuration


Templates allow you to use some components in other pages such as: homepage, product, category, contact, blog, post and error page.

Here is the list of components and where you can use them:

Component / Page Home Product Category Contact Blog Post Error
Big Banner  
Category Products  
Custom Code            
Featured Products  
Image with Text  
Instagram Feed
Latest Products  
Logo Carousel
Text Block

This way you can further customize your store.

Optimize Image

We suggest you optimize images before uploading them. To do so, you can use tools such as tinypng or compressjpeg.


Components in Jumpseller are content-based sections that can be used in your store’s templates, like Homepage, Product pages, Pages (e.g. About Us) and the Contact page. Most of them can be used several times, but a few of them are limited and you can only use them once.

We created Components to allow Ecommerce stores to be more flexible, and also to provide the administrators of an Ecommerce business more control over the order of the content (mainly in the Homepage) and the position of the available components. Lastly, components also minimize the dependency on an external person (e.g. designer, programmer, etc) to make changes to your online store.

However, it has to be said that for you to be able to create a new Component - in case it is necessary -, this has to be done directly in the code of the store in order to work properly.

When you add a Component to your store’s theme list of components, its name will be displayed by default as it was created. You can change this by clicking on the icon that’s available at the right side of the component name. There, you can type anything you want, in order to make it easier for you to identify all the components you add. For example:

  • If you add a “Category Products” component, you can change the name and add “Dresses Carrousel” - that way you will know that it is related to that specific category.
  • If you add “Banner” subcomponents inside a “Banners” component, you can also rename them so you can identify them better, like: “Hats Banner”, “Offers Banner” and so on.

Lastly, in this section we will explain in detail the Components that are available in Organic and which of them can be used just once, as well as what are the available configurations or options for each.

Big Banner

This component allows you to add an image. These are the options available for this component:

Image: you can upload an image with a width greater than 1000px, the height can be variable.
Link: you can add a link. This will make the whole image clickable.
Image Size: allows you to select 2 image sizes. ‘Box’ will make the image fit the container. ‘Full’ will make the image full screen.
Background Color: allows you to choose a background color for the entire image section, this will only be visible if the ‘Image Size’ field is set to ‘Box’.


This component allows you to display “Posts” or “Articles” that you create in your store. To have a Blog in your store, you must use the Pages, which you can create by going to your store’s Admin Panel at Pages > All Pages. The available options to configure this component are:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty, it will display the ‘Category Name’ by default.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Link: you can add a link. This will make the whole image clickable.
Link Text: allows you to change the text of the “see more articles” button. If empty, the button is hidden.
Blog Category: allows you to define the ‘Category Page’ that will group all ‘Posts’, which you can find in ‘Pages > All Pages > Categories’. By default you will find one category already created: Post.
Post to Show: allows you to select a number of articles to show.
Post Limit: allows you to choose the limit of articles to display.
Blog Type: allows you to select how this section will be displayed. ‘Grid’ will cause the products to be displayed in a grid. ‘Carousel’ will cause the products to be displayed in a carousel (slider).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘button’.
Background Post Color: allows you to select the background color of each post.
Post Content Color: allows you to select the text color of each post.
Post Button Color: allows you to select the link color of each post.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.

Category Products

This component allows you to display products according to a category. These are the options available for this component:

Category: allows you to choose a category (you must have created at least 1 category in Admin > Products > Categories).
Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty, it will display the ‘Category Name’ by default.
Description: allows you to add a description below of the title.
Link Text: allows you to change the text of the “see more” button. If empty, the button is hidden (this option will show you all the products of the selected category).
Quantity of products to display: allows you to select a number of products to show.
Display Type: allows you to select how this section will be displayed. ‘Grid’ will cause the products to be displayed in a grid. ‘Carousel’ will cause the products to be displayed in a carousel (slider).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘button’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.

Custom Code

In this section you will find fields that will allow you to insert custom code to some parts of the store. This is usually used for external applications or plugins that request you to apply some specific code in order to work. These are the options available for this component:

Custom Code: allows you to place any custom code you need.
Size: allows you to select 2 sizes. ‘Box’ will make the custom code fit the container. ‘Full’ will make the custom code full screen.
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.

This component displays the products you have marked as “Featured”. You can find all these products in your store’s Admin Panel at Products > All products, and filter by “Featured Products”. These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Link: allows you to add a link. This will activate the button to view all products.
Link Text: allows you to change the text of the “see more products” button. If empty, the button is hidden.
Quantity of products to display: allows you to select a number of products to show.
Display Type: allows you to select how this section will be displayed. ‘Grid’ will cause the products to be displayed in a grid. ‘Carousel’ will cause the products to be displayed in a carousel (slider).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘button’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.

Image with Text

This component displays an image with a text next to it. These are the options available for this component:

Image: you can upload an image.
Image Alignment: allows you to select the position of the image to the left or right of the text (on small devices the position of the image is at the top of the text).
Title: allows you to change the title of the section. if empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Link: allows you to add a link. This will activate the button to view all products.
Link Text: allows you to change the text of the ‘see more products’ button. If empty, the button is hidden.
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘button’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.

Instagram Feed

This component allows you to display the latest posts from your Instagram account in the store. These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. if empty it will not be displayed.
Number of instagram photos: allows you to select a number of posts to show.
Hide ‘Follow us’ button: allows you to show/hide the ‘Follow us’ button.’
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’ and ‘Follow us button’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.

Important: you need to connect your Instagram account to your Jumpseller store.

Latest Products

This component displays the last products you have created. These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Link: allows you to add a link. This will activate the button to view all products.
Link Text: allows you to change the text of the ‘see more products’ button. If empty, the button is hidden.
Quantity of products to display: allows you to select a number of products to show.
Display Type: allows you to select how this section will be displayed. ‘Grid’ will cause the products to be displayed in a grid. ‘Carousel’ will cause the products to be displayed in a carousel (slider).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘button’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.


This component allows you to display a form so your customers can subscribe to a Newsletter. For this component there are key points that you need to consider in order for it to work properly:

  • You need to have already created a Mailchimp account.
  • You can only connect this form to one Audience of your Mailchimp account.

The available options for this component are the following:

Title: title of the section. If empty, the text “Store name Newsletter” will be displayed, translated to your store’s language.
Text: allows you to add a text below the title.
URL of the Mailchimp Newsletter Form: to make it work you need a URL of a subscription form created on Mailchimp. Learn how to create a subscription form using Mailchimp
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Background Color of the Box: allows you to change the color of the newsletter box.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’ and ‘description’.
Background Button Color: allows you to change the background color of the button.
Button Text Color: allows you to change the text color of the button.

Text Block

This component allows you to display a title and description.These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Content Alignment: allows you to select the alignment of all elements, can be ‘Left’, ‘Center’ and ‘Right’.
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘button’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.



This component allows you to add as many banners as you need to your store’s pages, it is also the parent component of the ‘Banner’ subcomponent. These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Banners to show: allows you to select a number of banners to show.
Banner Type: allows you to select how this section will be displayed. ‘Grid’ will cause the banners to be displayed in a grid. ‘Carousel’ will cause the banners to be displayed in a carousel (slider).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots (only if the ‘Display Type’ is ‘Carousel’).
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’, ‘description’ and ‘button’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.
Background Button Color: allows you to change the background color of the button that is on each banner.
Button Text Color: allows you to change the text color of the button that is on each banner.

This is a subcomponent of ‘Banners’, which means it can only be used inside this main component. In fact, you will not be able to select it from the list of available components, as it will only be available once you add a ‘Banners’ component to the theme. These are the options available for this component:

Image: you can upload an image.
Title: allows you to add a title inside the banner. If empty it will not be displayed.
Link: allows you to add a link.
Button Text: allows you to add text to the button. If empty, the ‘link’ will be active on the banner image.
Title Color: allows you to change the color of the title inside the banner.
Slider Background Opacity Color: allows you to change the color that is overlaid on the image.
Slider Opacity Percentage: allows you to change the opacity of the color that is overlaid on the image.


This component allows you to show features to highlight your store, it is also the parent component of the ‘Feature’ subcomponent. These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Block Orientation: allows you to select the orientation of the content of each feature. ‘Horizontal’ makes the icon and text be on the same line. ‘Vertical’ makes the icon appear above the text.
Features to show: allows you to select a number of features to show (this does not represent a limit of features, only how many features will be visible).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows.
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots.
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’ and ‘description’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.
Background Block Color: allows you to change the background color of each block.
Content Block Color: allows you to change the ‘Title’ and ‘Text’ of each block.
Background Icon Color: allows you to change the ‘Background Icon’ color of each block.
Icon Color: allows you to change the ‘Icon’ color of each block.


This is a subcomponent of ‘Features’, which means it can only be used inside this main component. In fact, you will not be able to select it from the list of available components, as it will only be available once you add a ‘Features’ component to the theme. These are the options available for this component:

Icon: allows you to choose an icon. If you select the ‘Without icon’ option, it will be hidden.
Title: allows you to put a title on the block. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.

This component allows you to display a list of images in your store, it is also the parent component of the ‘Logos’ subcomponent. These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Logos to show: allows you to select a number of logos to show (this does not represent a limit of logos, only how many logos will be visible).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows.
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots.
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’ and ‘description’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.


This is a subcomponent of ‘Logo Carousel’, which means it can only be used inside this main component. In fact, you will not be able to select it from the list of available components, as it will only be available once you add a ‘Logo Carousel’ component to the theme. These are the options available for this component:

Image: you can upload an image.
Link: allows you to add a link to the image.


This component allows you to display a carousel of images in your store, it is also the parent component of the ‘Slides’ subcomponent. These are the options available for this component:

Slider Width: allows you to select 2 image sizes. ‘Grid’ will make the image fit the container. ‘Full Size’ will make the image full screen.
Activate Loop: if active, when the last slide is reached it will continue with the first slide.
Activate Autoplay: if enabled, the Slider will pass automatically from one Slide to another based on the speed defined below.
Activate Pause on Hover: if enabled, the carousel will stop when you place the mouse over the slider.
Autoplay Time Out: allows you to choose the display time of each slide.
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows.
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots.
Background Color: allows you to choose a background color for the entire slider section, this will only be visible if the ‘Slider Width’ field is set to ‘Grid’.
Arrows > Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the arrows.
Arrows > Icon Color: allows you to change the icon color of the arrows.
Dots > Background Color: allows you to change the color of the dots container.
Dots Color: allows you to change the color of the dots.


This is a subcomponent of ‘Slider’, which means it can only be used inside this main component. In fact, you will not be able to select it from the list of available components, as it will only be available once you add a ‘Slider’ component to the theme. These are the options available for this component:

Image: you can upload an image that will be displayed on Tablet and Desktop devices that have a minimum width of 576px. For this we suggest considering large desktop devices like iMacs, therefore, a proper width for this image would be in a range of 1440px and 1600px, or even more, considering other much larger screens.
Image mobile: image that will be displayed on Mobile devices with a maximum width of 575px.
Alignment: allows you to select the alignment of all elements (title and button), can be ‘Left’, ‘Center’ and ‘Right’.
Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Button Text: allows you to add text to the button. If empty, the ‘link’ will be active on the slide image.
Link: allows you to add a link.
Title Color: allows you to change the color of the ‘title’.
Background Button Color: allows you to change the background color of the button.
Button Text Color: allows you to change the text color of the button.
Slider Background Opacity Color: allows you to change the color that is overlaid on the image.
Slider Opacity Percentage: allows you to change the opacity of the color that is overlaid on the image.


This component allows you to display a list of testimonials in your store, it is also the parent component of the ‘Testimony’ subcomponent. These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Testimonies to show: allows you to select a number of testimonials to show (this does not represent a limit of testimonials, only how many testimonials will be visible).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows.
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots.
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’ and ‘description’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.
Background - Content Color: allows you to change the background color of each testimony.
Block - Content Color: allows you to change the text color of each testimony.


This is a subcomponent of ‘Testimonials’, which means it can only be used inside this main component. In fact, you will not be able to select it from the list of available components, as it will only be available once you add a ‘Testimonials’ component to the theme. These are the options available for this component:

Quote: allows you to define the text that will be the author’s testimony.
Author: allows you to define the author of the testimony.
Job title: allows you to define the author’s job title.
Image: allows you to place the author’s image.


This component allows you to display a list of videos in your store, it is also the parent component of the ‘Video’ subcomponent. These are the options available for this component:

Title: allows you to change the title of the section. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to add a description below the title.
Blocks to show: allows you to select a number of videos to show (this does not represent a limit of videos, only how many videos will be visible).
Section Type: allows you to select how this section will be displayed. ‘Grid’ will cause the videos to be displayed in a grid. ‘Carousel’ will cause the videos to be displayed in a carousel (slider).
Enabled Arrows: allows you to show/hide the carousel arrows.
Enabled Dots: allows you to show/hide the carousel dots.
Background Color: allows you to change the background color of the component.
Content Color: allows you to change the color of the component’s ‘title’ and ‘description’.
Line Color: allows you to change the color of the title line.
Background Block Color: allows you to change the background color of each video.
Video Content Color: allows you to change the text color of each testimony.
Block - Play Icon Color: allows you to change the ‘Icon’ color of each block.
Block - Play Icon Background: allows you to change the ‘Background Icon’ color of each block.


This is a subcomponent of ‘Videos’, which means it can only be used inside this main component. In fact, you will not be able to select it from the list of available components, as it will only be available once you add a ‘Videos’ component to the theme. These are the options available for this component:

Image: allows you to upload an image that will be displayed as the cover of the video.
Title: allows you to change the title of the video. If empty it will not be displayed.
Description: allows you to change the description of the video. If empty it will not be displayed.
Embed Code: allows you to place the embedded object from the source you need. For example YouTube or Vimeo.

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