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External Payment Gateways

Important: This is an advanced feature that allows you to connect any payment method with your store. Typically, an external web developer (or the payment gateway themselves) can do this integration.

A Jumpseller store can be integrated with any External Payment Gateway (EPG) of your choice. Any online payment service, with the ability to accept HTTP requests and capability to process online payment transactions, can be integrated with your Jumpseller store as an offsite payments method.

How It Works

  1. The customer places an Order on your Jumpseller store and selects your External Payment Gateway as a payment method.

  2. The customer is redirected to your Payment method URL using a POST request with the following Request Parameters. Your Payment Gateway must verify the Signature before displaying the payment page.

  3. The customer proceeds with the transaction on your payment page.
    • If the customer completes the payment flow successfully, he should be redirected (GET) back to x_url_complete with all the required Response Parameters as query parameters, including the Signature
    • If the customer cancels or exits the payment, he should be redirected (GET) back to x_url_cancel with all the required Response Parameters as query parameters, including the Signature
  4. Your Payment Gateway must POST a callback asynchronously to x_url_callback with the same Response Parameters. This ensures that orders can be completed even in cases where the customer’s connection to Jumpseller is terminated by a network error.
    • Jumpseller returns an HTTP 200 status on a successful callback, otherwise you should perform at least 3 retries.

Request Parameters

After the customer fills the checkout details and places the order in your store, Jumpseller will make a POST request to the URL from your EPG settings with the following parameters:

Parameter key Description Example
x_url_complete URL to redirect after a successful transaction (GET).
x_url_callback URL to provide notifications about transaction asynchronously (POST).
x_url_cancel URL to redirect when the customer quits or cancels the payment (GET).
x_account_id Account identifier provided by the EPG. 223504
x_amount Total value of the transaction. 123.0
x_currency ISO code of the currency. EUR
x_reference Order number in your Jumpseller store. 1001
x_shop_country ISO code of the Jumpseller store country. PT
x_shop_name Name of the Jumpseller store. Demostore
x_description Description of the transaction (optional). \\nProduto:\\n1 x teste: 1.000 EUR\\nImposto: 23€
x_signature See “Signature” section 3e3b0fa9b8e5e0309d8a4fd6ad00048548f8434873cfed2b42507ca9b580d053
x_customer_first_name   Teste
x_customer_last_name   Jumpseller
x_customer_phone   912345678
x_customer_shipping_first_name   Teste
x_customer_shipping_last_name   Jumpseller
x_customer_shipping_city   Porto
x_customer_shipping_address1   Rua do Almada 123
x_customer_shipping_state   Porto
x_customer_shipping_zip   4050
x_customer_shipping_country   PT
x_customer_shipping_phone   223456789
x_customer_billing_first_name   Teste
x_customer_billing_last_name   Jumpseller
x_customer_billing_city   Porto
x_customer_billing_address1   Rua do Almada 123
x_customer_billing_state   Porto
x_customer_billing_zip   4050
x_customer_billing_country   PT
x_customer_billing_phone   223456789
x_customer_taxid Only sent for payment methods installed after 2022/07/19 1111111-1

Response Parameters

All responses submitted to the provided asynchronous Callback URL are required to include the following parameters:

Parameter key Description Example
x_account_id Account identifier provided by the EPG 223504
x_amount Total value of the transaction 123.0
x_currency ISO code of the currency EUR
x_reference Order number in your Jumpseller store 1001
x_result Status update for the transaction completed \ pending \ failed
x_timestamp UTC Time for when the transaction was finished 2018-07-11T12:15:37Z (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ)
x_message (optional) Textual description of the result. Shown to Customer. “The credit card could not be processed.”
x_signature See “Signature” section. 3e3b0fa9b8e5e0309d8a4fd6ad00048548f8434873cfed2b42507ca9b580d053

Account ID

All requests and responses must include a field for account validation, x_account_id, which must match the Payment Method Key field in your payment settings. This is the account identifier that must be provided by your Payment Gateway account.


All requests and responses must include a signed field, x_signature, to test the integrity of the requests which is obtained using HMAC-SHA256.

In a Ruby environment, the following would get you a valid signature:

OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256'), secret, result)

  • secret - the Payment Method secret field in your payment settings, this is a value which must be provided by your Payment Gateway account, and shared with Jumpseller.
  • result - the request/response hash amassed in a single string of all key-value pairs that start with x_ prefix, sorted alphabetically, and concatenated without separators. Please make sure to exclude the field x_signature from this calculation when verifying any incoming request from the Jumpseller’s servers.

Important notes:

  • Please make sure you are use the UTF-8 encoding.
  • x_message (& x_description) - any newline characters (‘\n’) must be properly escaped as (‘\\n’) before calculating the signature.
  • x_amount - values are provided as Strings with decimals, even for rounded totals (e.g. 12345.0), so they are not converted unexpectedly.
  • x_signature - the parameter should be excluded from the verification for Jumpseller requests



Creating a valid signature.

require 'openssl'

secret = 'external_payment_gateway_password'

hash = {
  x_shop_name: 'Manchester Plant ', x_account_id: '223504', x_amount: '123.0', x_currency: 'EUR',
  x_reference: '1001', x_result: "completed",  x_timestamp: '2014-03-24T12:15:41Z',
  x_message: "\\nProducto:\\n1 x Energise EDT 125 ML: 29.500 EUR\\nImpuesto: €6.785,00"

result = hash.sort.join

x_signature = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256'), secret, result)

=> "d5dbffd999d4cbf70de494b4eec410d68deb540de13ebf5cfc03903c78bbd496"

Making a GET request to external_payment_complete.

require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI(" Plant &x_account_id=129785&x_amount=300.0&x_currency=CLP&x_reference=1026&x_result=completed&x_timestamp=2020-06-12T18:17:15.898Z&x_message=\\nProducto:\\n1 x Prueba de pago: $300")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
response = https.request(request)

If you show the response.read_body you will see the html from page that was redirected.

Making a POST request to external_payment_notification.

require "uri"
require "net/http"

url = URI(" Plant &x_account_id=129785&x_amount=300.0&x_currency=CLP&x_reference=1026&x_result=completed&x_timestamp=2020-06-12T18:17:15.898Z&x_message=\\nProducto:\\n1 x Prueba de pago: $300")

https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true

request =
response = https.request(request)
=> #<Net::HTTPOK 200 OK readbody=true>


Creating a valid signature.

var crypto = require('crypto');

let body = {
  "x_account_id": "1234",
  "x_amount": "1000.0",
  "x_currency": "EUR",
  "x_reference": "1033",
  "x_result": "completed",  
  "x_timestamp": "2020-06-12T18:17:15.898Z",
  "x_message": "\\nProducto:\\n1 x Prueba de pago: $300"

let keys = Object.keys(body);

keys = keys.sort();

let toSign = '';
let query = '';
keys.forEach((key) => {
  toSign += key + body[key];
  query += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(body[key]) + '&';

const secretKey = 'external_payment_gateway_password';
var signer = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secretKey);
var result = signer.update(toSign, 'utf8').digest('hex');

query += encodeURIComponent('x_signature')+"="+encodeURIComponent(result);

Making a GET request to external_payment_complete.

var request = require('request');

var options = {
  'method': 'GET',
  'url': '\\nProducto:\\n1 x Prueba de pago: $300'

request(options, function(error, response) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);

If you show the response.body you will see the html from page that was redirected.


# !/usr/bin/env php

$secretKey = "external_payment_gateway_password";

$params = array( "x_shop_name" => "Manchester Plant ", "x_account_id" => "223504", "x_amount" => "123.0", "x_currency" => "EUR", "x_reference" => "1001", "x_result" => "completed",  "x_timestamp" => '2014-03-24T12:15:41Z', "x_message" => "\\nProducto:\\n1 x Energise EDT 125 ML: 29.500 EUR\\nImpuesto: €6.785,00" );

$keys = array_keys($params);

$toSign = "";
foreach ($keys as $key) { $toSign .= $key . $params[$key]; }

$sign = hash_hmac('sha256', $toSign, $secretKey);
echo $sign . "\xA";

// => d5dbffd999d4cbf70de494b4eec410d68deb540de13ebf5cfc03903c78bbd496


In this section the flowcharts of the external payment gateway processes are presented to offer a more accurate representation of how the Jumpseller defines the different external payment method processes

External Payment Notification

External Payment Cancel

External Payment Complete

Status Result

All responses submitted to the provided Callback URL must include a x_result field with one of the following string values:

  • pending - The equivalent to Pending Payment in your Jumpseller Admin Panel, this action will add a message to the Order History without changing Order’s status.
  • failed - The equivalent to Canceled in your Jumpseller Admin Panel, this action will cancel the order and change its status.
  • completed - The equivalent to Paid in your Jumpseller Admin Panel, this action will change the order status.

How to Publish

Once there are at least 2 Jumpseller stores using your Gateway that have processed at least 150 successful transactions each, you can request that Jumpseller lists your Gateway publicly for all merchants. If approved, your Gateway will be listed in Jumpseller’s Admin Panel and on Jumpseller’s public payment gateways page.

To request a public listing for your Gateway, email with with the following details:

  • Name of the External Payment.
  • Documentation about: how to contract, how to setup, how to use, FAQ section (optional).
  • List of Jumpseller merchants using your gateway and the number of total transactions processed per store.
  • Screencasts of checkout process for both successful and failed payment attempts.
  • Logo: Admin 110x66px / Checkout 280x35px / All in PNG transparent.

You will be published in the Admin Panel along other payment solutions, with your own logo. As shown in the image below:


For further announcements in newsletters and social media and other marketing activities please contact

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