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FireWall App for your Online Store

With online stores, there are instances where a store owner does not want to show his online store in specific countries or for specific IP addresses, or for social media redirections.

This app blocks or redirects the unwanted countries, IP ranges, devices or UTM sources. It also disables mouse events like right-clicking on text, images, links or input boxes and prevents drag & drop events, key pressing and more.

How to Install

  • Go to the Apps Gallery on the admin panel of your Jumpseller store and install the app. Once installed, you will see the following menu:
  • You can click on Create Rule, and than choose the configurations as per fits your needs. Customized the Lock screen and click save!
firewall-menu-2 firewall-menu-3 firewall-menu-4
  • Once you are done, you can go to your store to the page and see how it looks!

Using FireWall you may:

  • Completely lock down your entire site in one click;

  • Limit access to certain Products, Collections, Pages, Articles, Blogs;

  • Limit access based on customer location (GeoIP based locks);

  • Redirect customers to the custom page;

  • Redirect visitor to his domestic country’s store;

  • You can lock or unlock users by creating an IP range;

  • Customize Lockdown Screen;

  • Right Click Disable service;

  • Disable Drag and Drop feature;

  • Disable Text Selection feature;

  • Disable KeyPress feature;

  • Password Protection on the blocked page.

If you face any issues during or after installation please read through the Frequently Asked Questions.

See Plans.

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