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Google Recaptcha V3

1. What is Google reCAPTCHA

reCAPTCHA protects your website from fraud and abuse. reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine and adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your website.

Meanwhile, legitimate users will be able to log in, make purchases, view pages, or create accounts, and fake users will be blocked.

2. reCAPTCHA in Jumpseller stores

reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score for each request without user friction. The score is based on interactions with your site and enables you to take appropriate action for your site.

2.1 What forms are affected?

For now, we add Customer registration and Contact Form to the reCAPTCHA if stores start to have problems with spam.

2.2 Do customers need to complete a challenge?

No! reCAPTCHA v3 doesn’t affect the user experience at all.

The legal info already appears on the bottom of the page (forced by google).

3. How to include it in your website?

  1. You should register your website, with a reCAPTCHA v3 type.

  2. Add your store’s domain and accept the terms of service.

  3. After successfully registering your store, you should see two keys, a site key and a server key.

  4. In the General settings tab of your admin panel, you should activate the reCAPTCHA and copy the site key and server key to the appropriate fields.

  5. As a best practise, input a minimum score that a request should get in order not to be considered spam (This value is of confidence that the request is a human person). This value should be between 0.1 and 0.9. We advise a value between 0.3 and 0.5.

  6. Save your settings, and you’re done.

If you need more help, write to our support.

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