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How to setup iDeal

iDEAL is an e-commerce payment system used in the Netherlands, based on online banking. This payment method allows customers to buy on the Internet using direct online transfers from their bank account.

iDeal logo image

The participating banks in iDEAL are ABN AMRO, ASN Bank, Friesland Bank, ING Bank, Knab, Rabobank, RegioBank, SNS Bank, Triodos Bank and Van Lanschot.

Jumpseller is integrated with iDeal Basic through the ING bank, so if you want to receive payments with iDeal you should create an account on this site.

After you have completed the registration, signed and returned the contract you can start the integration between Jumpseller and iDEAL.

  1. You will have to pass some tests for ING to activate your account. To do that login with your account in the iDeal test site.

  2. Go to Signup Process and copy your Merchant ID.

    iDeal Merchant ID
  3. Go to Signup Process -> Configuration and click on the Start Upload Button “Start upload”, then copy the Secret Key.

    iDeal Secret Key
  4. Login in Jumpseller and go to Settings -> Payments and add the iDeal Payment gateway from the dropdown list.

  5. Insert on the Jumpseller iDeal form the Merchant ID and Secret Key you copied in steps 2 and 3. Then enable the iDeal Testing Mode and click “Save”.

    iDeal Jumpseller Form
  6. Go to your iDeal page and in Signup Process -> Status you will see that you have 7 mandatory tests to complete for ING to activate your account. The tests can easily be accomplished by creating 1 product with the amount of 1 euro and then making 7 orders, the first buying it with quantity 1, the next order with quantity 2, then quantity 3… etc until quantity 7.

  7. After a certain amount of time (more than 20min from our experience) the tests will appear as accomplished, then after a few hours ING will activate your account and you will be able to go live with iDeal.

    iDeal Tests Passed
  8. After ING has activated your account. You have to login in the iDeal production site and repeat steps 2 to 5. On step 5 disable the iDeal Testing Mode before saving.

  9. For your order status to be updated automatically and the emails sent when an order is paid, in Profile -> Security you have to add the url http://yourstoredomain/checkout/ideal/notification (change yourstoredomain to your store domain, e.g.: to “Notification Url” and set “Notification” as “XML”. Then click “Start upload”.

    iDeal Notification Url

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