How to do Email Marketing

Email Marketing may be easy and cost-effective, but it can still go wrong, a series of poorly designed and poorly managed email marketing campaigns can be very damaging to the overall business and its brand reputation.

How to do Email Marketing

"Email Acquisition is like cutting hair, must happen regularly, can be done well, but one bad experience can scar forever."
David Baker

Most people check their emails at least once a day, making it one of the most important medium to deliver your marketing message.

Every email you send out in your company’s name is shaping people’s opinions about the company.

Custom Email

Just like business cards, custom emails can be a key ingredient in making a good first impression and making sure people remember you.

Decide for yourself what sounds better, an email like “example(@) or example(@)”?

With a Jumpseller Store, you have the option of associating a custom email for your business created with services like G Suite, Zoho, Office 365 and FastMail.

Not only do they give you a custom email, you can share and organize many internal business processes as well, making employees better connected and increasing the company output.

Learn more about custom emails!

Subject Line

You can have your email filled with goodies and work hard on the design, but what if it never opened? Subject lines are like that special sauce the makes you want to try the Burger! It has to be irresistible.

Avoid using words like Best, Sales, Discount etc, go for something creative, it does not even have to be related to your product or service. The main ideas to keep in mind are, it has to be short, catchy and create a sense of curiosity.

Creating cool subject lines!

Personalized Tone

One of the worst crimes to commit in the world of email marketing is sending out generalized emails.

If you think that creating one email, which you can send to thousands of customers, while making minor changes is the way to go, you are WRONG!

These emails can be easily spotted by people, they have the same pattern; not enough relevant information and the customer is not addressed by their name.

A good way to avoid this is to segment your customers. Segments can be categorized like frequent customers, premium customers, customers form specific geographic areas, etc.

Next, you can create emails serving each segment and lastly, customize emails by using the name of the recipient.

Remember, the emails should always be Tailored and Targeted!

For example; Instead of: Hello! Enjoy our special sale for this month…

Go with: Hello, Jake! We know you like cameras, these discounts are just for you…

Attractive Design

The balance between text and visuals is highly important! The email design should be optimized for all platforms and visually attractive.

When you create an email marketing campaign or any outbound email for that matter, your content may set the tone, but the design can create a picture of your brand in the readers’ eyes.

Align your emails with your brand image, and the design should resonate that image. The email should be professional-looking but not boring, it can be colorful but not so much that it overshadows the encapsulating message.

Awesome email designs!

A/B testing

Try out different versions of an email! And confirm which one works best. Services such as Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, or Aweber offer A/B testing with combinations of content, header, call to action, etc.

  1. Choose a small initial group to which you will send different combinations of your email, these groups must be representative of the complete list.

  2. Subsequently, choose the different versions you are going to test and send them out to the selected group.

  3. After evaluating the results, the winning email will be selected to be sent to the complete list.

Email Markup

With the use of Email Markup, you have richer emails with more information and different presentation.

These direct interactions allow the user to take action or view information without even having to open the email and search for the content that matters.

Your Jumpseller store is already integrated with the markup for emails.

You do not need to do any setup to have this markup in your business emails.

Configure email markup!


While sending out emails is an inexpensive and effective way to reach customers, overdoing it can be detrimental to your brand’s image!

Be sure to decide on an optimum frequency for sending out emails. Will you go for once a week, once a month?

You have to decide according to the information you want to share, the product/service you are selling and the demands of the industry you operate in.

The important thing is not to exhaust your content, become predictable, and ultimately lose your target audience.

Automated Emails

Newsletter and emails within a marketing campaign are important, but often talking about email marketing, people forget to mention transactional emails.

The emails that are sent after the customers have taken a certain action on a website, this action might not even have to be a purchase, it can be anything, for example, a simple form filling to create an account on the website.

Although these are automated emails, they can also be used for marketing, and indeed remarketing. Make them fun, align them with your brand image, leave a message for the visitor, and remember to AVOID BEING BORING!

The Option to Unsubscribe

The customer should always have the option to UNSUBSCRIBE.

Sometimes, people can register themselves by mistake, or that the email that is registered is now used for another purpose.

Whatever the reason, it must be very clear that the customer can opt out! Why is this important?

The main reason is very simple, to avoid being marked as SPAM.

Usually, the option to unsubscribe is at the end of the email. By default, most companies have this option, since it is mandatory to have it in some countries.


Measuring results is a big reason email marketing is popular.

Once you have finished an email marketing campaign, let’s say you sent out a monthly newsletter, you should always analyze results afterward.

Important things to look at are open rates, unique clicks, spam reports, and unsubscribe numbers.

You should also see which were the most clicked links and which were the ones that did not perform well, you can learn about your audience behavior pattern, see what type of content attracts them and tailor your next emails accordingly.


As they are central to the e-commerce business process, spend some time thinking about the emails that you will send out.

Because people online are being flooded with advertising, it makes emails even more important, as they can be a source of a more personal interaction.

Often they can help in promotions, generating sales, revisits and reminding customers of your products.

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