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How to Setup Shipping Zones on your Online Store

There are times when you need to specify in your store which shipping methods are the best for a given shipping destination, for example: shipping company “A” may work well for country “Y”, country “Z” and some regions of country “X”, but it is not the best option for your store when expediting orders for countries “D” and “C”. With Shipping Zones, you can do this type of management of your Shipping Methods.

How to configure

  1. From your store’s Checkout menu, click “Shipping Zones”.

    shipping menu
  2. Create a new shipping zone by clicking “Create Zone”.

    create zone
  3. Edit the name to something that best describes this new zone.

    shipping name
  4. Select the countries you want and click “Add”.

    shipping zones countries
  5. To specify the regions, or even municipalities (in some countries) where the selected Shipping Methods in this zone will be, click on one of the countries you added, toggle the option “Allow all regions…”, select the regions, and click “Add”. Don’t forget to click “Save” when you are done.

  6. Select and add the shipping methods that will be used for this new zone. When you are done, go back to the top of the page and click “Save”.

    shipping zones methods
  7. Enable your new zone by toggling it. Your Shipping Zone is now ready to use.

    toggle zones

Examples of cases in which you can implement Shipping Zones

1º Example

There are two ways to deliver your products:

  • Region X uses the shipping method: Table Rates.

  • Region Y uses the shipping method: Shipping Company.

If the customer from Region Y places an order, then the only Shipping method that should appear on checkout is: Shipping Company.

How to configure?

  1. Go to Settings > Shipping Zones, and create a new zone for the different regions. In this case, Region Y, to associate with the Shipping Company.

  2. Click “Save” and toggle the new zone you created.

2º Example

Combination of Checkout Version 2 and the new Shipping Zones functionality.

For instance, you currently have the following shipping methods defined:

  1. Fixed Rate for Mainland Portugal

  2. Table Rates for Mainland Portugal

  3. Rates for Islands by Airplane: Azores (up to 5 kg) and Madeira (up to 20 kg)

  4. Table Rates for Islands by Boat: Azores and Madeira (Maximum 20 Kg)

  5. Free Shipping for Pickup at your premises (replaced by our native Pick Up feature at Check-Out V2)

In the Table Rates, you would have to specify the corresponding regions, and the values will appear depending on the shipping address in your store’s Checkout.

Regarding Point 5 it is replaced by our Pick-Up functionality (Local Pickups) in Checkout V2.


What happens if all the shipping zones are disabled?

All the shipping methods will appear on the checkout. The Table Rates are an exception since their value is defined according to the location. If its value is only set for a certain location, it won’t appear on checkout if you choose another location.

What happens if a shipping method isn’t part of any shipping zone?

That shipping method will appear for all zones on checkout. In case it’s Table Rates, it won’t show for locations where it doesn’t have a value set.

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