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How to Configure Wide Theme

Aesthetically minimalist, Wide is a theme built around air! Focused on increased spacing and improved visibility of the elements. Equipped with plenty of theme customisation options to make the appearance of your store unique.

Theme Header

In the Wide theme you can have two types of headers.

Wide Theme

Full Width Header Option: header stretches from one side of the screen to the other. You will set this type of Header if you check the option “Show full width header” in Theme Options > General.

Wide Theme

Boxed Header: header keeps a padding space around. You will set this type of header if you uncheck the option “Show full width header” in Theme Options > General.

Wide Theme

Additional Currencies and OpenExchangeRates App ID

You will use these fields if you want to show multiple currencies in your store. Learn how to have multiple currencies in your store.

Wide Theme

Icons for social networks, Youtube and WhatsApp

Will appear if you have that information in your Admin Panel > Settings > General

Wide Theme

Top Bar

The information that has to be shown in this section can be edited in Theme Options > General > Header > Top Bar text.

Wide Theme

If you want your top bar to keep showing on top of the page when scrolling down, select “Top Bar” in the Fixed Header option:

Wide Theme

Your top bar will look like this on scrolling down:

Wide Theme

If you want your top bar to keep showing on top of the page when scrolling down, select “Menu” in the Fixed Header option:

Wide Theme

Your menu will look like this on scrolling down:

Wide Theme

Learn how to set up the navigation menu in your store.

Displaying Products in the Home Page

There are three main areas to display products in your home page: Featured Products, Popular categories and Latest Products.

You can add any of these as a section by going to Themes > Theme options > Add new section > Featured Products, Popular categories or Latest Products.

Wide Theme

If your product has variants with multiple prices and you don’t want to show a fixed price on the home page, you can check “Show ‘from’ on prices of products with variants” option. Lowest price will be shown.

Wide Theme

On the home page, your product prices will look like this:

Wide Theme

To show a product in this section, first you have to be sure to set the product as “Featured” when you create it.

Wide Theme

When it is saved, it will show up in the “Featured Products” section:

Wide Theme

Number of products shown

You can personalise how many products are shown in any of the types of product sections, by going to Themes > Theme options > Featured Products, Popular categories or New Arrivals.

Wide Theme

Store Info

Store info is shown in the footer under “Contact” and on the contact page of your store.

Wide Theme

You can add a contact phone number and working hours on the footer by going to Theme Settings > Store info

Wide Theme

The contact email is set on Admin Panel > Settings > Emails

Wide Theme

Home Page Banners section

You can add banners by going to Add Section > Banners or Big Banner

Wide Theme

You have the option to set up to 6 banners in your home page. These banners can be linked to a category page, a product page, a content page or any other content element that you have a URL for.

Wide Theme

You need to have a picture for each banner. Suggested size is: 650x440px. Then you will need the link to that category page.

Go to your Admin Panel > Products > Categories, and select the category you want to link the banner to.

Once inside the category page, scroll down to the “Search Engine Optimization” where you can get the category’s permalink. Then, by typing that permalink in the theme option “Banner Link”, it will redirect the banner to the category page.

Wide Theme

Setting Up your Instagram Feed section in Home Page

You can also add your Instagram Feed by going to Add Section > Instagram Feed and you can select the number of photos shown at the same time, 6 or 12.

Important: Your Instagram account should be set to “Public” in order to show your feed. If it is set to “Private” pictures will not be shown. The feed is updated monthly, so when you post a picture in Instagram it won’t show right away.

Wide Theme Wide Theme

Blog Section

You can decide if you want to show your latest blog posts in your home page, by checking and unchecking this option.

You can also select how many posts you want to show.

Wide Theme

Will show up like this:

Wide Theme

Learn more on how to use your store’s blog.

Home Slider Section

The slider section has 4 options:

Wide Theme

Activate Loop: Slides will change constantly.

Activate Autoplay: Slides will start changing automatically as soon as page loads.

Activate Pause on Hover: Animation will stop when the mouse is positioned over a slide.

Autoplay Time Out: Set the time (seconds) between slides when Activate Loop is checked.

You can also change the background color and opacity:

Wide Theme

Then you have some options to set up each slide:

Wide Theme

You need to upload an image recommended size 1905x800 pixels, write a title, a button text and have a URL to link the button.

You can link the button to a specific page, product page, category, etc. See example on how to get a specific link in Setting up Home Page Banners Section.


You can add testimonials from your clients, suppliers and others, by going to Add Section > Testimonials

Wide Theme

You can and have up to 5 testimonials on a slider. You can also activate the automatic slider so that it changes the testimonial each x seconds. The author’s image should be 50x50px.

Product Page

Wide Theme

Show miniatures of the product images - When there is more than one variation of the product (example: multiple types of colours), it shows miniature images of the product with other colours/variations of it.

Activate Zoom on Images - Shows a magnifying glass when the mouse is on top of the product image that zooms in.

Product Stock and SKU

If these options are checked, information will be shown on the product page.

Wide Theme

If this option is selected, products related to the product that is being viewed, will show up in the lower section of the Product Page.

The relation is based on the first product category they share.

Wide Theme

Social Share Buttons on Products

Social networks icons will show up on the product page in order to allow the product to be shared.

Wide Theme

WhatsApp icon will only show on mobile devices or a Globe icon on the PC version.

Cart and Checkout Pages

Disable Cart and Hide Prices

You can either hide your icon cart or hide products prices (or both at the same time). This feature is useful when you want to use your store as an online catalogue or as a normal web site (not an e-commerce type web site).

Wide Theme

Add to Cart notifications

Wide Theme

In this option is selected, a PopUp message will show in the upper right corner of your store, every time a product is added to the cart.

Wide Theme

Estimated Shipping on Cart Page

If this option is selected, the shipping cost estimator will show up in the cart page.

Wide Theme

Product Table at Success Page

If this option is selected, a table will appear in the success page showing every product bought by the customer.

Wide Theme

New Customer message

You can go Theme options > Other options to set the New Customer Message, which will appear as a visitor clicks to enter his account

Wide Theme

It will show up as this:

Wide Theme

How to change the Favicon Icon

The favicon is the little icon that shows on the navigation tab when someone visits your store.

Wide Theme

By default, Jumpseller icon is shown. You can set your own favicon under Theme Settings > General. Recommended Size: 32x32px. PNG Format and transparent background are also recommended.

Wide Theme

Fonts and Titles

You can easily customize fonts and sizes on Theme Settings > Fonts

Wide Theme

When no store logo is used, Store Name will be shown. You can customize its font and size too.

Wide Theme

You can personalize the color of the text of all kinds of buttons.

Custom pop-ups

After clicking on “Activate Pop Up” you can customize where the popup will show up, the delay it takes to show itself after you load a page on the website, its size and color, alignment, title and description.

Wide Theme

It will show up as this:

Wide Theme

How to set up the subscription form

Wide Theme

Go to Footer and click on “Show subscription form” to display it.

To make it work you need to paste the URL of a subscription form created on Mailchimp into the “Mailchimp Newsletter Form Url” field. Learn how to create a subscription form using Mailchimp.

Wide Theme

The pages shown in each of the menus in the Footer can be customized in the Admin Panel > Themes > Navigation under the “Footer Menu” Tab.

Wide Theme

To change the name of each of the menus on the footer section, go to “Footer”

Wide Theme

Display Payment methods

You can choose which payment methods icons to show in the bottom of your pages by going to “Theme options” > “Payment methods” and selecting them.

Wide Theme

Reordering the sections

You can reorder the position of each section on your website’s pages by clicking in one section rectangle and dragging it upward or downward while keeping your mouse pressed.

Wide Theme Wide Theme
  • Homepage slider: 730x460
  • Homepage banners: 510x312
  • Homepage featured categories: 510x370
  • Homepage quick links: 250x250
  • Homepage brand slider: 130x130
  • Products: 1080x1080
  • Category image: 1100x500
  • Blog: 1100x500
  • Store Logo Header: Maximum with: 200px height: proportional to the width

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